Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving 2012

Hey family! 
It was so fun to see pictures from kinzees wedding! Even though I cried haha. She looked beautiful! I'm so happy for her. I can't wait to see more pictures. Happy Thanksgiving this week! I'm sure everyone will have a good time. What we have planned is we have a zone activity and then we have a party/dinner to go to and then we have to be at the VC at 4 because we open at 5 and the lights start! yay! it's soooo pretty! I would have to say it's better than Salt lakes lights :) I'm not bias or anything.
This week we saw a lot of miracles! It's so good to be apart of this work :) Everyday I am picking a christlike attribute to focus on and yesterday was charity. i had to laugh because Heavenly Father gave me so many opportunities to use it. One the way to the VC Sister V ate her granola bar too fast so when we got there she started to throw up. She was really upset because she has no more money on her card and she doesn't have much food left because she eats a TON! haha and she's so little- super funny. I could tell she was upset so I took her to lunch on our break. She was crying in the car because she was embarrassed that i was going to buy it so I grabbed her favorite cd with her favorite song on it and blasted it in the car and she started laughing hysterically and then I found the most ghetto hispanic food place I could find (she was missing her home food) and got her the super supreme nachos (biggest thing they had) and she ate the whole thing. She was happy the rest of the day :) Anyway, there was lots of things that happened like that yesterday but I don't have time to write!
We met with fransisca who has met with missionaries for years but her boyfriend that she has kids with and lives with is married to someone else and wont divorce her because he gets legal rites as he is married to her (super lame) I told her "What are you going to say to Christ when he says, 'I sent my missionaries to you, you knew it was true, and you didn't act?'" She just kept saying, "I know, I know" i thought that would be enough to get her to church but she didn't! Ahh... agency.
I talked with an ex-nun on mormon.org. She was a nun for like 100 years... so I thought the conversation was gonna go south for that reason BUT. It was superrrrrrrrrrr cool! We talked about babies being baptized. i read out of Moroni 8 and told her it was an abomination to the lord to baptize babies because they don't have any sins. She said she was so overwhelmed because all this time she didn't know and her eyes had been opened! She just kept saying "it all just makes so much sense!' She said that now she realizes that she needs to be baptized. Anyway, there are a couple cool stories that I had this week :) I can't believe we have less than a month in the transfer and sister valladares will be trained! My guess is that she will train really soon. She is such a good missionary. I am learning a lot with her. 
Happy Thanksgiving again! Love you all
The chapter this week is Mosiah 2- king Benjamin is the bomb. I'm gonna find me a King Benjamin when i get home.
Sister Cottrell

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