Buenas Tardes,
We had a lot of opposition after we found all those new investigators. We found our last two investigators in the park and as we were running back to go home, Sister Sordes lost her planner. With alllllll the addresses, numbers, appointments etc. Sweet. We were able to piece back together what we could remember, which we remembered a lot... but it was kind of a disaster to say the least.
We had our interviews with President Ellsworth, it went well. He asked how my mission has been so far all I could say was.. well it's been really good and I've learned so much.. but i've been sick for most of it! He talked about Joseph Smith and all that he went though in Carthege Jail and thoughout his life, it was a good interview. He talked about how my mission will effect my children and who I marry and everything too.. it was pretty interesting.
Every friday there is a lady in the ward that feeds the missionaries lunch, she says she wont accept a calling or anything because she HAS to feed the missionaries. Kinda funny.
My old home teacher in Provo, his name is Sam, came into the Visitors Center. I thought, "well that's sad, he's supposed to be on his mission!" I was wrong! He's already back! Crazy. Anyway, he's only been home for like 3 weeks and he was dying to come out on splits with us because he is missing his mission, and it worked out because we needed a member to go to a couple lessons with us. Small world.
It has been nothing but laughing with Sister Sordes. Because she's from France, it's funny to realize how many phrases or sayings we say here in America. She was talking to someone in the VC to a lady that was spilling her guts to her and the lady was talking to Sister Sordes about her husband and how he was making her mad. She said something like, "when my husband makes me mad he tries to kiss my butt (or suck up to me) to try and make me happy again" Sister Sordes was explaining the conversation to me and she's like, "I can't believe she actually told me that he KISSES her butt! That was wayyyy too much information, super gross!" I was on the floor laughing. Things like that happen on a daily bases.
I had an "ah ha" moment at the VC as I was presenting the Christus. We know that loving one another is a commandment, right? Well that means, everytime you have a negetive thought about someone or say something rude to someone.. that's not just a little sin, that's breaking a commandment! I guess I should have always known, but it hit me like a ton of bricks. It makes since that the first commandment is to love God and then to love our neighbors because every, every, every sin stems off of those two things. The more we love God the more we have the desire to do everything else he tells us to do.
I must still be in primary or something, but I also learned this week that every time we take the Sacrement, not only are we renewing our covenents we made at baptism, but the temple too. I don't know why I didn't know that either, but it made me appreciate the sacrement a lot more and realize how sacred and important it is. Speaking of taking the sacrement, Malcum (the less active that I told to "man up") kept his committment and went to church! So cool.
Thats pretty much it. :) Love you all.
The chapter this week is Ether 12- President Ellsworth gave me the chapter to read during my interview and I want to know your thoughts on it. It says "after the trial of your faith" about a billion times. Its a good read and I would love the feedback! :)
Love you all! SFTE
Sister Cottrell
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