Monday, February 4, 2013


Hey fam!
Welp, we had transfers this week, guess what? I'm a full field sister! Sister Newton is coming to me. She came out with me and she just got done training so it should be a good/short transfer. Laci knows her cousin or something if i remember right??  It's only a 5 week transfer. We'll see what happens though. I'm sending Hermana Holladay off today- so weird. She gave me the scoop on all the interviews you have when you leave. It's weird. Hermana Valladares is training! Can you believe i'm already a grandma in the mission? I'm too young for that. I will be on splits with some english sisters in my zone until Wednesday... i'm really excited for that. Mostly i'm just excited to have american food and see how it is. I'm really nervous though because they dont give us any time on the phones... so i don't know what's going to happen to all my referrals and investigators on the phone :/ God will take care of them. Speaking of investigators on the phone, Brandon blessed the sacrament and was praying about going on a mission!!! And he was going to get his patriarchal blessing.
This week has been good. Hermana Sordes from France is going home too as well. That's been a lot harder on me than I thought. We have become really good friends and she taught me a lot. Hopefully I will be able to go visit her... maybe for her wedding :) 
District meeting we gave a training on Teach when you find, Find when you teach. We practice doing one min lessons (mostly it was a hint to the elders that talk forever) but they had to pick an object out of a bag and teach the restoration and when the one min was up we pounded on the piano. 
I've eaten at 2 buffets this week... i about died. Agustin INSISTED that he take us to the "Cheeena Booofett" as he called it. Ugh. So nice of him. 
We had stake conference this week and we had a really good meeting with Elder Hanson from the 70 come. We also had a special meeting for investigators and recent converts. It was really powerful and we were able to get almost all of our investigators and recent converts there. The biggest thing I learned in Stake conference was how to give a talk! It probably wouldn't have learned this ever if I didn't come on a mission. Words like Relief Society and Beehives and Sunbeams... no one knows what that means if you're not a member. Also, a lot of talks are given as like "thank you speeches  or goodbye speeches. Teach us something! State fact. State testimony. Don't say things just to make people like you. I realize that talks help the person more than the audience, but it's not for you. Anyway... maybe it was just because I was listening in English. I hope i can remember that when I get home even if I am from utah and everyone is pretty much members. I was grateful for Elder Hansens talk about the resotration and how he told the story in it's entirety and taught like it was the first time anyone was hearing it. He's powerful.
Well... that's pretty much all the note worthy news. Love you all. I will still be in meetings every week at the VC so you can still send mail there and I will get it. If not just send it to the mission office. It'll probably get to me the same time either way. 
Seek for the Eternal
The Chapter is Helaman 14.. Agency- it's simple :)
Hermana Cottrell 

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