Thursday, January 26, 2012

Week 4-Listen to the Spirit!

Can you guys believe i'v'e almost been here a month?? Crazy. People weren't kidding when they said the days feel like weeks and the weeks feel like days. Yet another great week at the MTC :)
Jan 20
We took a different approach to teaching trino this time. To teach the apostocy and the importance of prophets we got a candy stick (smarties) or what we like to call "bonbons". I made a fist representing god and had trino make a fist representing all of gods children and the candy stick represented the prophet. We told him to close his eyes and follow my fist with out him holding on to the stick/prophet. He obviously couldn't do it. So we told him to continue closing his eyes but hold onto the bottom of the candy and I would hold onto the top. He was able to follow my fist/God. We can recieve personal revelation but we need the prophef for revelation to the world. He really liked it.. i dunno maybe because he just got some candy out of it. We had tall and I asked one of the elders to hand me a sanitary wipe for my computer and he started to tease me so finally i ripped it out of his had and all the juice from the wipe squirted all over my face and in my eyes!! OUCH! I ran into all the chairs on my way to the bathroom. Kinda funny. Things like that happened all day it felt like.
Jan 21
We held a fake sacrament for trino. It was really fun! our DL was the bishop and we were ward members and a couple elders were themselves (missionaries). We had a testimony meeting and a couple talks. We wanted to make the meeting more realistic so we had a couple people be the really enthusiastic, welcoming kind of members, the rest pretty quiet and to themselves and one weird person.Oh and one that just got up to bare tesimony and just told about all their problems. hermana marcum did that. Oh man... So Elder kener.. the one that got the sanitizer in my eyes.. was picked to be the weird one. Bad Idea. Well first he was sitting in the back and pretended to cry like a baby and later justified it saying that there's ALWAYS a baby crying in the back. he sounded like a dying goat. He got up to bare his testimony and said that the bishop was our king and joseph smith wrote the book of mormon and through joseph smith we can return to live with god and that he's a goat milker and he loves his goats more than anything. He kept saying, "OHHH MI PADRE!, OHHH MI PADRE" we all had tears coming down our face from trying not to laugh.. The system is kinda jacked i think because he got called as our district leader the next day! haha.. no he's an awesome kid. He likes to have fun.
Jan 22
Sunday #4 Check!
Our sunday temple walk was closed because some elder slipped on the ice earlier that day. Lame. We all just sat out in the front of the mtc watching the cars go by through the gate! Trapped. So we walked around the mtc and went up to the room and took pictures and what not. It was funny because I havent even been here every long and we were all freaking out because we had like 45 min with nothing schelduled and didn't know what to do with ourselves. Sister Wixom the general primary president spoke to us for relief society. She begged us to tell all the children we come in contact with to tell them that they are a child of god and and god loves them because she isn't able to go and tell them herself. i suppose that is how christ feels about us! He's begging us to tell people that they are children of god because he can't do it himself.
Jan 23
Spanish is coming!
Jan 24
Elder Jose L alonso and his wife spoke to us at the devotional. It was so cool because his wife can't speak english but i understood everything she was saying in spanish! I loved it. After the devotional I talked about (to my district) how i liked how elder alonso said that we are the generation of missionaries that will do more than any generation of missionaries have done before. He said that because of this, we need to be the most obedient generation of missionaries. I taught that it reminded me of the scripture in d&c 82:3 that says with much given, much is required. I forgot the scripture while i was talking thought and I accedently quoted spiderman instead, "with great power comes great responsibility. Same diff!! .. shoot. Everyone had a good talk.
Jan 26
We taught at the trc today! I loved it. It was so amazing. We taught two volunteers who were acutally teachers here so it was a little inimidating. The first volunteer that came was a very nice guy but my spanish was terrible. I tried giving a spititual thought but I was just worried about which spanish word came next. it was so hard for some reason. I realized after that i had forgotten to pray before i started to teach. For the next volunteer I swolled my frustration and turned to the lord and prayed. i taught the same thought to a different volunteer and i testify that prayer works. The words flowed out of my mouth without even hardly thinking about it. I was able to look into his eyes and testify to him of what i know to be true. Afterwords we were given a sheet of paper with some feedback on it. he wrote comments on our evealuation and he wrote that he "would ventrue to say that it was the most spiritual experience he has ever had in the trc with the missionaries:" he said he felt the spirit so strong and learned so much and our spanish was very good. Without prayer we can't have the spirit, without the spirit, we can do nothing! Simple as that people. During our work shop a similar experience happeded. We got to know someone in 5 min and then had to seek revelation for them on our own. I said a prayer and randomly flipped open my scriptures and in a sense, put the spirit to the test. It worked! not supprised to the slightest. After talking to someone who I didn't know at all for 5 min, i was able to find something that they needed to hear right off the bat, no hesitations. So cool! Something funny that happed today is we were in tall and elder kener tried to scare me (shocker) I turned quick and accidently hit him where it counts. Oops. Bless his heart.. shouldn't have tried to scare me! Don't mess. Now everyone says, "be nice or i'll pull a cottrell on you". Awesome.
Jan 27
just got back from the temple! Guess what?? it is the mtc's 50 anniversary so the whole 1st presidency is coming to speak to us on tuesday!!!!! How awesome is that? I can't wait. I get to sing in the choir too! I will have to let everyone know how it goes! Oh and does anyone remember anna makay? she was the student body president when i was senior class vice president. She's my new roommate! We just got two new sisters in our room! So excited to have her. She's going to Paris, France. :)
Thanks for all your letters, love and support! Hold to the rod! Seek for the eternal :)

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